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Display Windows.

Window Display

Before I got to do my window display I had to clean off the white paint that Lee&Birch had on from their previous display. This was a lot of work and took me a couple hours to do. It showed me that working in retail you have to make sure your windows are spotless when doing a display. If I were to have smudges or specks of white paint my display would not have turned out professional giving our store a bad image. For my window display at Lee&Birch I used recycled kites from one of our photo shoots. I hung these kites at different angles and heights in our display window. When hanging these I used fish line and paper clips. I strung a line across the top of the window and I then took two nails and placed the nails on the far sides. I did this because when I started to hang these kites they started to weigh down the fish line so I needed something to make the line stay up. This worked out great for that. After I hung the kites I added ribbon to the bottom of them to make it look like string and I even made one of the mannequins holding it. This was a lot of fun because I got to do this project by myself with no help from anyone. When I was done with the project my manager made sure it looked good and went over changes if any needed to be made. 

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